because there is a "me" that nobody can ever take away.

no matter what, I cannot give up, in the laughter and the hate.

account information.

  • Chase

  • 22

  • He / Her / They

  • Newish to muse, not new to twitter rp

  • Mostly crack, but some serious threads from time to time.

  • I do follow most accounts back, any account is welcome to follow me. I do reserve the right to not follow back y'know the drill.

Discord: babygirl yagami#0420
Personal: @ryuakis
( feel free to follow req. / add me if we've talked )

  • Multiship ( selective. 27+ only )

  • OC + MV friendly

  • Pretty SFW, maybe some jokes here and there but nothing too serious

  • I practice ship exclusivity. basically if I ship with one version of a muse, I won't ship with others.

warnings: dark themes, crime, highly sensitive topics, spoilers for LJ
s*cide mentions also may be present following the theming of Lost Judgment, as well as bullying themes / mentions.
important: I absolutely do not follow back any lewd accounts! Also, if you rt NSFW I may soft block or mute. SFW timeline.


  • Name: Takayuki Yagami

  • Age: 39

  • Date of Birth: 01/22/1983

  • Height: 6'1

  • Pronouns: He / They

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Occupation: Detective / Private Investigator

  • Residence: Kamurocho, Japan ( Isezaki Ijinchou, Yokohama )

  • Personality: Yagami is a calm, rather level headed guy with a curious personality. He asks questions often, and finds people pretty interesting. Usually he finds himself analyzing the things people say as second nature, but he tries not to go around expressing his thoughts. Though, as laid back as he might seem at first glance, he's definitely no pushover. If he finds it necessary, he can be sassy, petty, and even a bit brutal at times. Though it isn't too easy to garner a bit cruel of a remark from him. Most of the time he's relaxed and even a bit flirty. The flirting also comes as second nature to him, and he doesn't usually think too much into it.



  • Yagami has some undiagnosed PTSD and depression, even after resolving the root of it. Flashbacks and such do still occur, though tend to only happen when triggered. His depression, on the other hand, is constantly present. This is majority related to Matsugane, Shioya's and Shintani's deaths ( And later, a certain other person's death ). This is all due to his concern with not being quick enough to avoid these deaths, and strongly believes he could've done something sooner. He also probably will never forget his parents' deaths.

  • As a form of coping, Yagami can be a little impulsive and flirty. He doesn't throw himself into work as often as he used to, but instead he's found himself being more impulsive or reckless when it comes to himself. He doesn't exactly hate himself, nor is he exactly self desctructive per se, but he doesn't have good habits that were formed upon being self destructive previously that he hasn't found himself able to break. ( ie; smoking and drinking )

  • Yagami, having missed out on having a real childhood, lives vicariously through the students at Seiryo High. He wants them to have the life that was taken from him before it could really begin. Thus, he picks up more childish hobbies and has a lot of fun with them. Almost making up for lost time.

  • He holds some regret being so angry at his parents before their death, and in some way he wishes he was there at the time. If only to do something, as if he even could at such a young age. He still experiences nightmares revolving this situation, and it sticks with him.

  • His sleeping schedule is atrocious at best, seemingly rooted in his ever-present depression. Some find sleep difficult to attain, but for Yagami his lack of motivation outweighs his dislike of sleeping. Playing this off as it's nothing is common for him, as he thinks nothing is really wrong about him sleeping so constantly. If he finds that he has nothing to do urgently, he'll defer to sleeping instead.

  • From time to time, he gets more severe depressive episodes. They're seemingly random, not really caused by anything. At the other end of the spectrum, he gets random bursts of motivation that last a couple days at best. He chalks it up to being something everyone does, and prefers not to think into it too much.






  • @gothchairman

  • @dcsidcrium



  • @tigercyclone

  • @swagumo420

  • @adachi79576599

  • Kiwami 2 Daigo

  • Kiwami Nishiki

  • Ryuji

  • Nishitani

  • 5 Saejima

  • LJ Tsukumo

  • Adachi